UK reports on Fukushima nuclear lessons
18 May 2011
London – An interim report published today says lessons should be learned from the crisis at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power station but that events in Japan should not curtail Britain’s nuclear operations.
According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) the report identifies 25 recommended areas for review – by either industry, the government or regulators – to determine if sensible and appropriate measures can further improve safety in the UK nuclear industry.
These include reviews of the layout of UK power plants, emergency-response arrangements, dealing with prolonged loss of power supplies and the risks associated with flooding. The 26th recommendation calls for plans to be published by the middle of June detailing how each of these 25 matters will be addressed.
“The extreme natural events that preceded the accident at Fukushima – the magnitude 9 earthquake and subsequent huge tsunami – are not credible in the UK,” said report author Mike Weightman, executive head of the Office for Nuclear Regulation and the UK’s chief inspector of nuclear installations.
“We are 1,000 miles from the nearest fault line and we have safeguards in place that protect against even very remote hazards. Our operating and proposed future reactor designs and technology are different to the type at the Fukushima plant.
“But we are not complacent. No matter what the differences are, and how high the standard of design and subsequent operation of the nuclear facilities here in the UK, the quest for improvement must never stop. Seeking to learn from events and from new knowledge, both nationally and internationally, must continue to be a fundamental feature of the safety culture of the UK nuclear industry.”
The report suggests that the UK nuclear industry should “ensure the adequacy of any new spent fuel strategies compared with the expectations in the Safety Assessment Principles of passive safety and good engineering practice.
“Learning from Fukushima, this report makes clear the need to minimise the quantity of spent fuel stored on UK reactor sites, which is to be welcomed,” said Prof
Neil Hyatt, RAEng/NDA Chair in Radioactive Waste Management at Sheffield University.
“More broadly, the indefinite storage of substantial quantities of radioactive wastes in aged facilities on multiple UK nuclear sites must be subject to similar challenge. There is a clear need to process such wastes into passive safe materials to reduce on-site hazards, particularly in relation to an unforeseen and severe accident.”
The interim report was requested by the secretary of state for energy and climate change within days of the earthquake and subsequent tsunami of 11 March that led to the crisis at Fukushima Dai-ichi. The full report will be published in September.