Simulation software to tackle 'smart-grid' challenges
12 Apr 2012

Cologne, Germany – The increasing emergence of ‘smart grids’ to permit even more extensive use of power from renewable sources is creating issues of complexity, cost and vulnerability in the electricity, gas and water sectors.
For instance, operating pipelines in severe winters can be very challenging. If the gas in the pipes cools off too sharply, it partly liquefies and can no longer flow as swiftly. To maintain the temperature of the gases within a certain range consistently, a complex system of compressors, pre-heaters, coolers and other elements is needed.
Systems operators must, therefore, constantly monitor the condition of their pipelines and plan ahead for reactions to potential temperature and pressure changes.
To tackle such issues, researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute have developed software to analyse and optimise transport grids for electricity, gas and water even at the planning stage, based on numerical simulations. Their goal is to ease the task of retrofitting and expansion for system operators, saves energy and cost outlays and additionally enhances safety and security.
The software, called MYNTS (multi-physical network simulation framework), helps with the operation and planning of such complex networks, and was jointly developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI and the team under mathematics professor Dr. Caren Tischendorf of the University of Cologne.
The program models the transport grids as systems of differential-algebraic equations to provide numerical simulations that enable the grids can be flexibly analyzed and better planned. The simulation is said to immediately demonstrate the effects of changes in various factors, such as the impact of temperature fluctuations on flow measurements, or how the failure of subnetworks influences the other grid components.
“Regardless of dealing with transport systems for gas, power, water or electrical circuits, their simulation always traces back to the same numerical core,” explains department head Dr. Tanja Clees.
However, as each field of application also has its unique features, specialised versions of the software are available for various utilities.
With MYNTS for simulation of gas transport systems, for example, a user can set up and control his or her own subnetworks or add compressor stations and mixing chambers. In order to accelerate simulation computations, the software runs on computers with multiple processors.
This software is also of interest for smart grids, construction of which over the next few years is being promoted by the German government. Because intelligent networking and controlling of electricity producers, storage facilities, electricity consumers and network resources within supply networks are considered to be among the greatest economic and environmental technology challenges.
For example: if bulk consumers could be controlled more efficiently, and power supply adjusted to match demand at different times, then consumption peaks could be capped, and the consumption of electric energy equalized to supply.
Such bulk consumers include water companies. One study shows that in industrialised nations, about 3% of the total electrical power consumed is used by water companies - specifically for pumps.
Clees and her team have already been able to prove the utilisation of MYNTS in several research projects; now the first commercial projects begin. Negotiations for licensing of the software are currently under way with companies in various industries.