Rotork boards Chinese projects
14 Sep 2012

?Projects in China are presenting significant challenges for manufacturers of valves and related systems, both in terms of scale and technical requirements - as highlighted by recent projects carried out by Rotork in the country.
The Taishan nuclear power station on the coast at Chixi Town, south of Guangzhou, is expected to be one of the largest in the world. It is also
China’s first nuclear power plant to adopt the European EPR (European Pressurised Reactor) third generation reactor technology.
The first phase of the project involves the construction of two EPR power plants, each with the world’s largest capacity of 1750 MW.
On the station’s conventional island project, Rotork has supplied more than 100 IQ intelligent electric valve actuators for Velan wedge gate and parallel slide valves.
Manufactured in sizes up to 36 inches and pressure ratings up to Class 1500, these valves will perform feed-water and steam-isolation duties.
The contract included 16 high-speed IQ91 actuators with secondary IS gearboxes fitted to 36 inch Class 900 parallel slide valves for feed water isolation. Weighing in at over 14 tonnes each, these are the largest pressure seal valves that Velan has ever manufactured.
Valve gearboxes from Rotork Gears have been supplied for the operation of giant butterfly valves in a Euro2.2-billion project designed to improve and secure the future supply of fresh water to the city of Shanghai.
The Qingcaosha raw water project will provide a daily supply of over 7 million cubic metres of clean water through a network pipelines, some with a diameter of 5.5 metres.
The heavy-duty worm gearboxes are to operate butterfly valves manufactured by China Valve Technology Ltd on these pipelines. With a gear ratio of 14142:1 and an output torque of 850,000Nm, the gearboxes enable manual valve operation or operation with a portable pneumatic tool.