Landfill gas analysers for China
23 Nov 2012

Beijing – The Liulitun landfill in Haidian District of Beijing has installed a UK-made Geotech fixed landfill gas analyser.
Landfill operation started in 1999 at the Liulitun landfill and it continues to take 1,500 tonnes of waste every day.
Currently it has four flares and the site operator uses the Geotech GA3000 to measure methane concentration of the landfill gas. The GA3000 fixed landfill gas and biogas analyser can be user installed in seven steps.
Throughout its worldwide installations Geotech reports over 99% up-time. In addition to methane, the other gases the system analyses as standard are carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Optionally, the new analyser measures high-range hydrogen sulphide at 0-10,000ppm and low ranges of 0-50ppm.
It also features multiple sample points enabling the GA3000 PLUS to measure landfill gas from different parts of a landfill as it goes into separate flares or CHP engines.