UK biofuel projects to receive £25m
5 Aug 2013

Transport minister Norman Baker has announced a biofuels funding scheme to help advance waste-to-fuel plants within the UK.
Companies will be vying for a slice of the £25 million funding to construct demonstration-scale sites in an effort to secure investment from the private sector.
Advanced biofuels will be important in areas that we cannot otherwise decarbonise
Transport minister Norman Baker
The wastes-to-fuel techniques are designed to provide sustainable alternatives to high-carbon fossil fuels and will play a role in UK’s efforts to meet decarbonisation targets.
“It is clear that in the long term advanced biofuels will be important in areas that we cannot otherwise decarbonise, such as aviation,” said Baker.
The funding will be provided over three years from 2015 following a competition to identify the best and most suitable industry proposals.
The Department for Transport is set to commission a report in autumn detailing the proposed funding competition. This will include eligibility criteria and a range of potential measures designed to support the most sustainable fuels.