IChemE training courses
6 Jan 2014

The IChemE is hosting over 50 training courses to cover a range of subject areas and meet developmental needs.
The Institute of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) is the global professional membership organisation for chemical, process and biochemical engineers.
With a growing membership approaching 38,000, the Institution is dedicated to promoting competence and commitment to best practice.
Subject areas include: safety, process automation and control, project management and sustainability.
Courses range from HAZOP to alarm management, explosion hazards to energy savings and soft skills in an effort to encourage participation across a broad range of sectors.
Upcoming IChemE training courses include:
Establishing and Maintaining a Safety Culture
5-6 March 2014, London, UK
The culture within an organisation is now recognised as a major factor that impacts on the safety performance of the organisation. Accident and incident investigations have repeatedly demonstrated the importance of safety culture, and how failure to establish and maintain an appropriate safety culture impacts the probability and potential severity of disasters.
This course is intended to give an insight into some of the principles, approaches and methodologies used to both establish and maintain a safety culture.
HAZOP Study, Leadership and Management
31 March – 2 April 2014, Cork, Ireland
Designed for participants experienced in the HAZOP technique. It begins by thoroughly revising the principles of HAZOP and the group response required for HAZOP to be most effective, and then concentrates on the organisation, leadership and management of HAZOP study teams.
Almost half the time available is dedicated to workshops, enabling participants to practise leadership skills and team management under tutored observation.
The course includes guidance on post-action procedures and the use of recording software, and highlights potential pitfalls that can significantly affect the efficiency of a study.
HAZOP Study for the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry
1-4 April 2014, Aberdeen, UK
HAZOP study is one of the most widely used hazard identification methods and has found applications in many aspects of the offshore industries. Maximum effectiveness in HAZOP study requires skilled leaders as well as experienced and committed team members.
This course presents well-established, integrated modules which are specifically tailored to the needs of the offshore oil and gas industries, to provide effective HAZOP training for both team leaders and team members. As well as presentations covering all the essential aspects of the method, there are workshops on HAZOPs for continuous processes, sequential operations and computer-controlled plant.
Fundamentals of Process Safety
7-11 April 2014, Grimsby, UK
Investigations into recent incidents have highlighted the importance of having a clear understanding of the principles of process safety management throughout an organisation. This must include staff at all levels from board members through engineers and other technical staff to plant and shift managers and supervisors.
IChemE’s intensive five-day course covers the fundamentals and aims to provide an understanding of the key principles of process safety and its management.
Introduction to Process Safety
29-30 April 2014, Manchester, UK
Recent and historical incidents have highlighted the importance of having a clear understanding of the principles of process safety management throughout an organisation. Introduction to Process Safety has been developed for those who do not have direct line responsibility for process safety but whose activities influence the process safety performance of their organisation. This can include staff engaged in corporate, R&D, commercial, HR and IT activities.
Gas Explosion Hazards on Offshore and Onshore Facilities
25-26 September 2014, London, UK
Looking into gas explosion hazards on offshore facilities. It addresses all aspects of hazards associated with vapour cloud explosions (VCEs): ignition processes, release and dispersion, explosion mechanisms, blast loads and modelling of all these aspects. The fundamentals and phenomena governing gas explosion hazards and safety is the same offshore as well as onshore.
This course is offered in cooperation with GexCon, a world-leading supplier of software and services in the field of gas explosion safety.
Fundamentals of Process safety (Nuclear)
3-7 November 2014, Preston, UK
Investigations into recent incidents have highlighted the importance of having a clear understanding of the principles of process safety management throughout an organisation. This must include staff at all levels from board members through engineers and other technical staff to plant and shift managers and supervisors.
This intensive course covers the fundamentals of process safety, related to nuclear facilities and provides an understanding of the key principles of safety.