Shale impact set to be "minimised"
27 Nov 2013

Water UK and the UK Onshore Operators Group (UKOOG) will work together to help minimise the impact of onshore oil and gas development in the UK on the country’s water resources.
Water UK and UKOOG today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to ensure their respective members will cooperate throughout the shale gas exploration and extraction process.
According to Water UK, the primary aim of the agreement is to increase public confidence in shale gas extraction and give reassurances that all the necessary steps will be taken to minimise the effects on water resources and the environment.
The MoU gives water companies a crucial extra layer of safeguards on top of the existing regulations
Water UK CEO Pamela Taylor
Under the MoU, members from both industry bodies will work together to identify and resolve risks associated with water or waste water.
These risks include: Baseline monitoring requirements to assess impacts of onshore oil and gas development on the quality and quantity of local water resources; onshore oil and gas company development plans and the expected volumes and chemical and biological composition of waste water as well as preferred disposal routes.
Water UK chief executive officer Pamela Taylor said: “The MoU gives water companies a crucial extra layer of safeguards on top of the existing regulations to help ensure water supplies and the environment are protected.”
Earlier today Energy Minister Michael Fallon responded to the agreement, stating it is crucial that “shale gas is developed safely and the MoU signed between the water industry and operators today is a significant step forward in ensuring this”.
In a report issued by the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering, it acknowledged that the risks associated with shale gas extraction can be managed if the current regulatory frameworks are adhered to.
However, the report also said: “A greater risk would appear to be from surface spillages of chemicals and other materials. It is therefore important that on-site storage of chemicals is managed by proper site practices.”
Similarly, the report stated: “[That] the water industry believes that timely and constructive consultation and engagement by operators and regulators is essential to aid planning.
“These discussions will be key to understanding water and wastewater services requirements in the short and longer term, as well as helping to identify and resolve potential issues.”