Largest biogas project selects suppliers
22 Jan 2014

A Scottish distillery that is building the UK’s largest biogas to grid project has selected the firm that will supply its anaerobic digestion (AD) technology.
Chesterfield BioGas yesterday announced its biogas upgraders had been selected for use at the biomethane-to-grid project. The firm’s gas-scrubbing water-wash upgraders and ancillary equipment will be installed at the Scottish-based renewable energy project, which is set to be commissioned in late 2014.
The water scrubbing method being used takes raw biogas from the AD of spent grains from the distilling process, and converts it into biomethane suitable for injection into the national gas grid.
The method is designed as an efficient and environmentally friendly way of processing raw biogas produced from the AD of organic materials. It requires no heat and does not incorporate the use of any chemicals.
Such is the anticipated raw biogas input from the AD, the upgrading units will need to be coupled in parallel to optimise an output of up to 5,000 cubic metres per hour of 98% pure biomethane.