Subsea research initiative launched
25 Jun 2014
A new UK initiative will focus of subsea research and development.
The National Subsea Research Initiative (NSRI), which launched this month, will be the focal point for the co-ordination of research and development activities for the UK’s subsea oil and gas sector.
As a direct link between the subsea community and academia as well as government, NSRI will facilitate the development of subsea technologies which will enable the increased recovery of hydrocarbons, prolonging the life of the UK Continental Shelf as well as innovation which adds value to the UK’s subsea engineering base, the NSRI says.
NSRI will become the single voice on subsea technology in the country
NSRI’s John Mair
According to NSRI steering group leader John Mair there is a greater need for more meaningful engagement between industry and academia within the current landscape.
“NSRI will become the single voice on subsea technology in the country. As the ‘go-to’ advisory body and knowledge centre for subsea technology, it will essentially broker the development of subsea technologies, rather than seek to fund R&D activity itself,” Mair said.
“NSRI will be the primary source of knowledge on subsea technology for technology developers, universities, academics and centre of excellence wishing to conduct research or research-related activities. It will engage with, influence and feed into the Oil & Gas Innovation Centre, the Scottish Funding Council and the Technology Strategy Board and other organisations. “
Likewise, David Rennie, sector head for oil and gas, thermal generation and carbon capture and storage at Scottish Enterprise said the NSRI will act as the conduit of knowledge transfer between industry and academia.
“For instance it will support and engage with the Oil & Gas Innovation Centre to build stronger links between the industry and the UK’s academic community, increasing subsea related research in the UK.
“The availability of this information to subsea companies throughout the UK will be a game changer by providing understanding and knowledge of subsea technology needs which will help grow and move forward this nascent and important industry.”