Sizewell B in maintenance shutdown
13 Oct 2014

EDF’s Sizewell B nuclear power station was yesterday shut down for a £60 million maintenance and refuelling programme.
An extra 1,200 engineers and other specialist workers will join the Sizewell workforce over the next six weeks to carry out 13,000 separate pieces of work at the Suffolk plant.
The biggest projects include changing the rotors on one of the steam turbines and connecting Sizewell B with the recently built Emergency Response Centre at Leiston, which contains back-up plant and control systems to enable operators to control the station remotely if necessary.
The programme of work is the plant’s latest planned maintenance outage. Such outages take place every 18 months.
“EDF Energy is making a significant investment in Sizewell B to ensure the continued safe reliable generation of power at the site for decades to come,” said Sizewell B station director Jim Crawford.
“We are pleased to once again award contracts locally and make use of the engineering expertise we have in this region.”