Plasma tackles chemical waste
3 Dec 2014

Simdean Envirotec has launched a plasma-based chemical waste elimination system in the UK which it claims is safer and lower in cost to landfill and incineration.
The company, which specialises in industrial pollution, is the exclusive UK agent for the plasma-based chemical destruction system, which it says that completely disintegrates waste molecules.
The process has been developed for the pharmaceutical, chemical, oil and gas industries to cut costs and help reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, the company said.
The process is equally effective in treating wastes in the form of liquids, slurry or contaminated gases
Simdean Envirotec statement
The patented plasma technology uses high temperatures (2000– 4500°C) to destroy a wide range of organic and inorganic wastes, leaving only the constituent atoms. These are then transformed into a mix of non-hazardous gases for emission into the atmosphere and usable by-products.
“Combining exceptional process efficiency with environmental benefits, lower capital costs, lower operating costs and lower maintenance costs, it delivers significant advantages over all other known treatment systems,” the company said.
“The process is equally effective in treating wastes in the form of liquids, slurry or contaminated gases.”
The mobile waste system can be integrated into the client’s production line, eliminating the need to transport or store waste products and the unit can also be modified and calibrated to suit any production line.
“Emissions from the system at the end of the process are well within all international standards and regulations,” the company said.