Cole-Parmer’s Masterflex peristaltic pumps with open-head sensor interlock add an extra layer of protection for operators tasked with tubing changes and routine maintenance, says the company.
This new technology (suitable for the pharmaceutical industry and others using peristaltic pumps) is integrated with Masterflex I/P and L/S drives that accept Easy-Load pump heads.
As a result, the drive shuts down when the pump head is opened, preventing exposure to moving rollers connected to the drive shaft.
The company says that this extra protection is particularly beneficial to prevent unexpected remote operation – when the pump is connected to a programmable logic controller or supervisory control and data acquisition system. Open-head sensors are also designed to safeguard inexperienced pump users from injury while loading or changing tubing.
A retrofit system is also available to upgrade pump drives currently installed. The system contains an interlock control box and connections.
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