UKCS operators could save on more than ‘£240 million cost and deferred revenue’
9 Apr 2018

UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) oil and gas operators are overlooking innovations that could be worth in excess of £240 million annually, warns a senior executive in the sector.
Troy Stewart, head of oil, gas and chemicals service UK at ABB, says that the adoption of non-intrusive inspection of pressure vessels could put an end to methods that cost millions in downtime and inspection.
Said Stewart: “This approach is commonly used in mainland UK process industries where it has provided significant financial benefits without compromising safety.”
Traditional internal inspections cost the sector £141 million in charges plus £101 million in lost production and deferred revenue, he calculates.
Last year, ABB carried out investigations with the Oil and Gas Technology Centre in Aberdeen to test the use of NII in the sector. The results, claimed Stewart, show savings in cost, time and safety.
- For more details, read Troy Stewart’s full article here on the Process Engineering website.