“We believe that energy generation from fossil fuel combustion can be as efficient and clean as from sun, wind and water,” that is the SAACKE vision.
In the latest generation of ultra-low NOx burners from burner specialist SAACKE, the flame temperature in the flame head is reduced by recirculation of exhaust gases from the combustion chamber.
This cools down the flame and means that significantly less nitrogen oxides are produced compared to conventional burners.
SAACKE’s range extends from standard gas burners in plug and play mode to highly complex yet smart combustion systems, as well as remote-capable plant management systems.
The SAACKE TEMINOX meets all the necessary criteria for a future-proof, modern combustion system with lowest emissions below 30 mg/m3 NOx. In both the monoblock and the duoblock versions, the TEMINOX burns a wide range of standard fuels and special gases efficiently.
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