On site generation switch saves manufacturer potential £72k annually
23 Nov 2022

A precision sheet metal manufacturer claims a rethink on nitrogen generation saved £6,000 a month.
A setback from a service provider ended up proving fortunate for Manchester-based supplier of sheet metal parts, components, and fully assembled fabrications pieces Constant Group.
Desperate for a speedy replacement source for onsite high-pressure nitrogen generation, the company enlisted Atlas Copco’s help.
Laser-cutting metal relies on a continuous supply of nitrogen gas as a blanket to prevent burning during the process. Atlas Copco assessed Constant Group’s consumption requirements before recommending a suitable nitrogen generation solution.
Its recommendation was a system with 240 Nm3 storage, delivering 32.5 Nm3/h to allow Constant Group to cut continuously at 4 mm without a problem. The firm also recommended ane HPN2 SKID-8 with its rated flow of 38 Nm3/h. It can also cope when greater thicknesses of 12 mm are required, cutting for up to eight hours with 65% uptime would be possible, with the help of storage.
Nnitrogen gas purity is essential to overcome discolouration of laser-cut edges and provide high-quality finish, Atlas Copco claims its nitrogen generation supplies gas at more than 99.99% purity.
Also, the nitrogen generation skid combines air compressor, dry air receiver, nitrogen generator, two nitrogen buffer vessels, one high pressure booster high-pressure storage bundle all assembled for ease of installation and commissioning.
Sskid package are equipped with a filter train to avoid contaminated compressed air reaching the inlet of the nitrogen generator. Air compressor and nitrogen generator are monitored and controlled by an Elektronikon controller. The skid package includes a high-pressure vessel which distributes the compressed nitrogen to the customer’s installation.
Additionally the system also enters standby mode when no nitrogen is being consumed, and a cycle time modulation algorithm reduces air consumption at low nitrogen demand, which helps reduce energy consumption.
No less important, Atlas Copco calculated that its rental package would saveed Constant Group more than £6,000 a month in rented nitrogen cylinder packs.
Constant Group MD Matt Garlick commented: “After the smooth and successful installation of our HPN2 SKID-8 high-pressure nitrogen generation package, we are confident that we have assured availability of high-purity nitrogen, with the capacity that we need, for many years to come.”