Baltic booty
8 Dec 2005
Emerson will install its PlantWeb digital plant architecture with the Ovation expert control system at three 300MW supercritical units, which enable operation at elevated steam temperature and pressure, making electricity generation more efficient, while also reducing fuel-related emissions.
The Russian-designed plant in the Eastern European nation has eight power generation units overall with the capacity to generate 1,800MW of electricity, but has been operating only as a reserve for the country’s Ignalina Nulcear Power Plant when demand peaks.
Starting in 2009, however, when the Ignalina plant is scheduled to shut down, Elektrenai will play a major role by generating some 70% of the country’s power supply.
Emerson will retrofit the original control systems for the boilers and turbines, plus install new vibration monitoring equipment, instrumentation, valves, actuators, switchgear, and electrical protection to enable the plant to meet its increased performance expectations.
The first unit is expected to be operational in 2006, with all units completed by 2008. The project will be implemented by Emerson’s Power & Water Solutions industry centre.