Vortex Valves Pulled into Jet Research
26 Nov 2007

Cranfield University researchers investigating an aircraft engine hazard, known as a Ground Vortex, are using bulk solids handling valves to study the phenomenon.
In an appropriate twist, Vortex Valves was the company that came to the rescue this summer when the University was struggling to find suitable valves for experimental purposes. The valves need to have very swift, positive operation under vacuum conditions. Vortex supplied, free of charge, two 8-inch Quantum orifice gate valves, which are now installed and working in a wind tunnel at Cranfield.
When a jet aircraft is static, or moving slowly, a vortex can form between the ground and the intake of an engine. This can cause significant operational problems such as distortion, fan vibration and foreign object damage. So far, most studies of the problem have been limited to qualitative, visual investigations.
However, one of the objectives of the current project is to obtain quantitative measurements of airflow patterns inside and outside the engine. This will enable a fuller understanding of the aerodynamics and aid development of more sophisticated design guidelines for the UK engine manufacturers funding the research.
In the experiment, researchers need to move a large mass of air to enter a model engine inlet at extremely high speed (approximately Mach 0.7) This flow is achieved by connecting the model intake to a large vacuum tank using large diameter ducting. The two pneumatically controlled Vortex Quantum valves were deployed between the intake and the vacuum tank - one to throttle the flow and one to act as a quick release.
Managing Director of Vortex Valves Europe, Jon Naylor, adds: “This application is a long way from our normal dry bulk solids handling role. Even so I think it endorses the quality and robustness of the Quantum design that they are successfully meeting the University’s requirements in severe test conditions.”
Vortex valves can be seen in operation by arranging a visit from the Vortex® mobile demonstration unit. Interested parties can contact Vortex® at vortex.eu@vortexvalves.com.
Vortex Valves Europe Limited
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County Durham
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Email: jnaylor@vortexvalves.com
Web: www.vortexvalves.com