Metso to automate UK waste-to-energy plants
13 Jun 2012

Helsinki – CNIM Group has selected Metso’s DNA automation systems for the North Hykeham greenfield waste-to-energy plant under construction in Lincolnshire, UK. The Finnish group is also to automate a plant being built by SITA in Billingham, UK
The deal was preceded earlier this year by similar orders for waste-to-energy plants in Turin, Italy, and Maardu, Estonia. CNIM, a European leader in construction of waste-to-energy plants, acts as a contractor in all these projects.
At these plants, Metso DNA will provide one system for all process controls and plant information management. The process automation system covers all plant processes from boilers to turbines and includes an integrated TUV-certified safety solution.
The North Hykeham waste-to-energy plant is owned by the Lincolnshire County Council and will be operated by the Waste Recycling Group. It will have an electricity output of 13.1MWe and a thermal output option up to 10MWth. With an annual capacity of 150,000 tonnes of household and similar waste, the plant is scheduled to go on line in spring 2013.
Metso has also signed an agreement with Hitachi Zosen Inova AG to supply automation for two lines at a greenfield waste-to-energy plant being built by SITA South Tyne and Wear Ltd. in Tees Valley, Billingham, UK.
The waste-to-energy lines under construction at the North East Energy Recovery Centre will each have the capacity to incinerate 152,000 tonnes of waste per year. They will feature grate-fired boilers with a thermal performance of 2 x 45.85MW and rated turbine capacity of 24.2MW, with a live steam temperature of 410°C. The plant will start commercial operation in the autumn of 2013.
Metso’s delivery scope consists of a Metso DNA distributed control system, a Metso DNA information management system, on-site commissioning, trial run support, training and spare parts. To boost system availability, there will be a remote service connection between the plant and Metso. Metso’s delivery will take place in September 2012.
Metso said it was chosen as the supplier for the plant based on its track record from five earlier projects with Hitachi Zosen Inova – at ASA. Zistersdorf in Austria, BIR Bergen in Norway; Riverside and Newhaven in the UK and Vaasa in Finland.
The CNIM-built waste-to-energy plant in Turin is owned by Trattamento Rifiuti Metropolitani will have a thermal output of 206 MW and an output of 56MWe. It will be able to handle 421,000 tonnes of household and similar waste annually, with three incineration lines and provide electricity to around 150,000 houses and district heating to about 17,000 houses. The plant will go on line 2013.
The waste-to-energy plant in Maardu, owned by Eesti Energia, will have a thermal output of 50MW and an electricity output 17MW. Using up to 220,000 tonnes of municipal, industrial and construction waste annually it will supply district heating to 500,000 people. The plant will go on stream in 2013.