Kistler keeps control
12 Apr 2013

The maXYmos PC software allows direct transfer of the test record to the PC and offers many functions for visualising, measuring and analysing measurement curves and process values as well as for evaluating the process capability.
The functional modern case design, equally suitable for desktop, wall or panel mounting, clear menus and practical functions add up to an easy to use monitor.
The high-contrast, colour, touch screen display, together with a sophisticated, context sensitive menu that shows only what is needed for a particular function allows smooth operation of the maXYmos BL.
The built-in functions enable many standard XY monitoring tasks to be set-up easily and quickly.
The maXYmos BL records and interrelates all of the measurands supplied by force or torque sensors on the Y-channel and potentiometric displacement or rotation angle sensors on the X-channel.
It uses evaluation objects such as BOX, LINE and ENVELOPE to analyse sections of the recorded measurement curves.
This allows the maXYmos BL to monitor and evaluate the quality of a product or production step.
For example, force vs. displacement or time in press-fit processes, and torque vs. rotation angle or time in screw tightening processes may be monitored.
The quality of an individual manufacturing step, assembly or entire product can be determined on the basis of the measurement curves.
The earlier in the production chain such monitoring is started, the more certain it is that the finished product will subsequently pass final inspection.
Out of specification items detected can be diverted for rework at an early stage, rather than being scrapped after a whole series of further costly manufacturing operations have been wasted.
The large built-in memory allows nearly continuous monitoring of the curve plus storage of 16 measurement programs for 16 different types of part, each with four evaluation objects.
Automatic trend tracking, which can be activated for the band of the envelope curve, tracks the set point limits, for example with progressive tool wear, and matches the evaluation function to the actual process situation.
The internal curve memory and the ability to display stored families of curves simplifies fault analysis.
To simplify product changeover, up to 16 measurement programs for 16 different types of part, with up to 8 000 pairs of XY values per curve, can be stored in non-volatile memory with password protection.
The maXYmos BL provides functions that allow many standard XY monitoring tasks to be set-up easily and quickly.
The envelope curve evaluation is standard to further enhance the performance of this versatile and compact monitor.
During setup, the band of the envelope curve automatically wraps around the outside contour of a previously measured bundle of curves evaluated as “good”.
The latest version of the Kistler maXYmos BL process monitoring and product testing system can be used as the basis of a complete XY measuring chain costing less than £2,000, including sensors, providing a cost-effective method of monitoring a wide range of manufacturing processes, especially joining, assembly, and product testing.
Monitoring the relationship between force and distance provides an accurate evaluation of any variation in a production process or product performance compared with a known optimum.