Zero waste to landfill for Siemens
10 Dec 2013

Leeds based Siemens Mechanical Drives has achieved zero landfill of all its non-hazardous waste within the last month, making it the second UK manufacturing site within Siemens Industry to do so.
Everything generated at the Stourton, Leeds site is either reused, recycled or utilised for fuel.
Allan Randall, environmental health and safety manager at Leeds said: “We have been gradually reducing what we send to landfill as part of our Siemens commitment to the environment.
”Linking up with a new waste operator in May helped us achieve our targets sooner than expected and Siemens Leeds is certainly helping to lead the way.”
Siemens Drive Technologies‘ Congleton site was the first manufacturing unit to achieve zero landfill within Siemens Industry UK sector, in summer 2012. Even the fly ash from Congleton‘s specified recovered fuel (SRF) is further utilised in the aggregates industry.
Siemens Mechanical Drives‘ partnership with Premier Waste Recycling, a company based in Derbyshire with mixed recycling facilities at Leeds, has brought the non-hazardous waste element down to zero from a previous average of around 1.5% since May.
This includes mixed packaging, cardboard, plastic, wood, metals, glass, soil/stones and food waste. Even municipal waste, previously sent to landfill, is now refuse derived fuel (RDF), burned to generate energy at relatively local sites in Newcastle and Sheffield.