Fluid management service
24 Jun 2014

Millers Oils has launched its latest fluid management service at the PDM show in Telford.
Specialist oil developer and producer Millers Oils has launched a new two stage high-performance industrial fluid management service at the Plastics Design & Moulding show in Telford this week.
After successful field trials in both Europe and the US, the company is able to provide this service in the UK, helping industrial manufacturers to completely clean their machinery while continuing normal production and avoiding unnecessary downtime.
“At Millers Oils we are always trying to find innovative ways to help our customers get the most out of their machinery,” said Bob Howard, key account manager for the Industrial Sector, Millers Oils.
“Our new service enables manufacturers to fully clean their machinery, without halting production or effecting finished part quality, and helps them to continue getting the most out of their equipment.”
The two step process uses Milliclean 1000T to first clean all parts of the hydraulic system, completely removing lacquer and sludge from tanks, valves, pumps and other important parts of the machinery, eliminating valve stick and improving energy efficiency.
The system is then filled with Millmax Stayclean 46 (or 68 depending on the requirement) to keep the system free from further lacquer and sludge deposits, and extending oil cleanliness by up to three times and resistance to oil oxidation by up to four times.
The Milliclean 1000T system cleaner not only cleans while the machine continues production, but also improves cycle times and cold start performance.
In addition, the system is completely solvent-free, with no consequent adverse effect on metallurgy, seals, hoses or elastomers, the company says.
Developed alongside Milliclean 1000T, Millmax Stayclean 46 uses new technology to capitalise on the benefits of a clean system by maintaining oil cleanliness, minimising oil oxidation and extending oil life, which all contributes to reduced component wear and need for oil changes and top-ups.
The process takes 48 hours and is carried out by Millers Oils Fluid Management Technicians to ensure that it is carried out safely and successfully.
Following the initial clean, independent oil sample tests will be completed every three months for a year to ensure the machinery is working to its optimum capacity.
For more information, please email: industrial@millersoils.co.uk or visit: www.millersoils.co.uk