MCERTS award
22 Jul 2014

Quantitech has announced that the Sick 3006 portable VOC monitor has a new MCERTS certificate, valid to July 2019.
The certificate confirms that the 3006 instrument complies with: MCERTS Performance Standards for Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems, Version 3.4 dated July 2012 EN15267-3:2007, and QAL 1 as defined in EN 14181: 2004.
“This is important news for any process that needs to report total hydrocarbon emissions data; MCERTS is essential for monitoring Part A processes, however, as a portable instrument, the 3006 is also ideal for Part B processes and stack testers in a wide range of industries,” said Quantitech’s Dominic Duggan.
Completely self-contained, with its own air and gas supplies, the 3006 is a heated total hydrocarbon analyser for monitoring combustion and ventilation stacks from 100ppb to 100,000ppm.
Employing a patented miniature heated sensor block with a flame ionisation detector (FID) controlled up to 240°C; the 3006 can be used to monitor steam saturated gases.
The field tests for which the 3006 is certified were conducted with both fuel gas options – Hydrogen and Hydrogen/Helium mix.
However, Hydrogen is by far the more preferable option because it is significantly lower in cost and the 3006 operates at very low flow rates (20cc/min).
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