Wireless data loggers
6 Aug 2014

The new wireless data loggers from Rotronic are suitable for the most diverse humidity and temperature monitoring tasks.
Rotronic has introduced a range of high performance wireless temperature and humidity data loggers with significant features that make them an ideal monitoring solution for use in many industries including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food, horticulture, meteorology, aerospace, defence and electronics.
Conditions inside closed cabinets can be recorded and measurements accessed remotely without changing the environment.
Data is secure at all times, wireless frequency 433.92 MHz provides maximum radio diffusion, measurements can be recorded for six years without lithium battery replacement.
Any Rotronic HygroClip2 temperature and humidity probe including industrial high temperature and pressure types can be connected to a compact sender module, no adjustment is required.
Up to 100 probes can be connected on a wireless network with USB or Ethernet interface to a PC running Rotronic validated HW4 software.
Logging configuration including the recording interval and alarms is easily performed, as is data retrieval.
For more information, please visit: www.rotronic.co.uk