Split planning decision for Blackpool shale
16 Jun 2015

Lancashire County Council planning officers yesterday recommended that one of Cuadrilla’s proposed shale gas exploration sites in Blackpool should be approved for development.
However, the planning officers recommended that a second proposed exploration site be refused due to the disruption likely to be caused by high levels of site traffic.
Cuadrilla’s proposed sites at Preston New Road and Roseacre Wood were both due to face a planning decision in January.
[The site] would result in an unacceptable impact on the rural highway network
Lancashire planning officers’ report on Roseacre Wood
However, after planning officers recommended that both sites be refused planning permission over traffic and noise concerns, Cuadrilla successfully secured an agreement from Lancashire’s Development Control Committee to defer its decision to allow the developer time to address the concerns.
The developer’s proposed measures – including limits on working hours and site traffic levels – have proved successful in persuading planning officers to change their decision over Preston New Road.
However, at the Roseacre Wood site, which is further outside Blackpool, planning officers maintained their recommendation to refuse planning permission on the grounds that the site would “generate an increase in traffic, particularly HGV movements, that would result in an unacceptable impact on the rural highway network and on existing road users, particularly vulnerable road users and a reduction in overall highway safety that would be severe”.
The Development Control Committee will meet next Tuesday to discuss the planning officers’ recommendations for both Preston New Road and Roseacre Wood.
Cuadrilla’s application is to drill, hydraulically fracture and test the flow of gas from up to four exploration wells at each site.
UPDATE: Lancashire County Council’s Development Control Committee refused Cuadrilla planning permission for Roseacre Wood at a meeting on 25th June. It subsequently also refused planning permission for Preston New Road on 29th June.