Tubing formulation improves solvent transfer
9 Jul 2015

The latest Masterflex Solve-Flex tubing from Cole-Parmer revolutionises where you can use peristaltic pumps.
Peristaltic pumps are the fastest growing positive displacement pump technology.
Simple setup and maintenance, coupled with accurate dosing, have made them a preferred choice in the pharma and food markets.
New tubing formulation allows transfer and dosing of harsh chemicals not previously compatible with peristaltic pump tubing.
Solve-Flex tubing has a fluoropolymer-based liner which is plasticiser-free, hydrophobic, and resists the absorption of aqueous fluids. It also offers low spallation and assured purity of fluid.
A flexible outer jacket extends the pumping life of the tubing.
For more information, please contact: +44 (0)20 8574 7556, or visit: www.ColeParmer.co.uk/21393