Controlling the speed of a pump
29 Jul 2015
The use of a pump alone certainly has its place across industry as invariably it does “exactly what it says on the tin”.
Yet on occasion, there are benefits in coupling a flow-meter to directly control the speed of the pump.
These benefits can be summarised as:
Accuracy – the delivery of the pump will be controlled to exactly the required amount and can be data-logged for accountability purposes.
Increased Yield – with tighter process controls the final product quality can be increased while also decreasing waste and re-work.
Reduce downtime – the control signal between the flowmeter and the pump can be monitored, and alarmed, for change of state diagnosis. Often this can be used for preventative maintenance thereby reducing down-time.
Bronkhorst is a specialist within the field of low to ultra-low flow liquid delivery, from milligrams per hour through to thousands of kilograms per hour.
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