HBM speeds advanced torque calibration
2 Sep 2015

The development of a new torque calibration machine by HBM offers the only commercial system of its kind in Europe to enable short delivery times.
As manufacturers and users of motor test benches tend to only accept calibration certificates from accredited calibration laboratories, this process can often take up to 15 months.
The new Torque Calibration machine significantly speeds up delivery times, which is often a competitive factor in project management.
HBM is a market leader in the field of test and measurement, and its new 400 kN•m torque calibration machine is accredited by DAkkS (the National Accreditation Body for the Federal Republic of Germany).
The machine uses the principle reference of comparing the signal of the test specimen with that of the torque reference transducer (T10FH), which is integrated in the machine.
Featuring a proven measurement uncertainty of 0.1% and international recognition of the calibration certificates, It is used by HBM as part of its in-house accredited calibration service, enabling it to provide customers with an advanced torque calibration service.
The machine is vertically aligned and enables both clockwise and counter clockwise torque to be calibrated in compliance with the recognised standards DIN 51309 and VD1246.
It also features a top measurement capability of 0.15 for the range of 3 kN•m (lowest step) up to 20 kN•m and of 0.1% for the range of 20 kN•m up to 400 kN•m. This means the HBM calibration facility covers almost the complete range of the torque transducer portfolio.