Lutz-Jesco’s latest products include low flow stepper motor-driven dosing pumps, traditional cost-effective solenoid dosing pumps and an extended range of diaphragm dosing pumps driven by IE4 level energy-efficient motors with flows to 1,000 lph.
Control options include manual, pulse, 4-20mA with display of dose rate, remote start/stop, alarm signals and optional Ethernet.
These can be supplied as components or packaged as chemical dosing systems.
Drum pumps for safely transferring fluids are available in PP, PVDF, Hastelloy C, aluminium, 316SS and 316SS sanitary, with a variety of motors including ATEX.
Lutz-Jesco is certified to ISO 9001:2008 standards for quality management and to ISO 14001:2004 for environmental management.
The Lutz group manufactures drum pumps, dosing pumps and accessories, disinfection products and associated control equipment.
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