Wanner’s Hydra-Cell seal-less pumps have helped to solve a pump seal wear problem for a US producer of acoustic panels.
When pumping these abrasive coatings, pumps with dynamic seals can eventually wear and leak. Performance accuracy deteriorates and maintenance downtime for seal replacement can prove expensive.
Replacing the company’s pneumatic, single plunger pumps with Hydra-Cell G10 and G25 seal-less pumps not only solved the leak problem, says Wanner, but also improved the control over spray patterns and coating thickness.
With no dynamic seals to wear, the Hydra-Cell pumps are able to pump the abrasive coating material reliably and require minimal maintenance, reducing non-productive time, adds Wanner.
Having multiple, hydraulically balanced diaphragms in a single pump head, the Hydra-Cell pumps produce a smooth pulseless flow without the need for pulsation dampeners.
The controllable, repeatable delivery (±1%) of the pipe work is designed to ensure the spray pattern is regular and the coating is consistent over time.