Emerson loop technology aims to cut project time
18 Jan 2017

Emerson Automation Solutions has introduced Power the Loop technology for the AMS Trex Device Communicator to enable faster project time by removing the need for external power supplies.
The company says the innovation will enable speedier device configuration and reduce the need for extra equipment.
“By reducing the number of tools necessary for configuration and commissioning, technicians can easily increase productivity and speed project start-ups,” said Mani J, marketing director for Emerson’s reliability solutions.
The Trex communicator allows users to power devices directly from the handheld communicator. Users can perform device configuration tasks before power and I/O infrastructure are in place, and without the need for the installation of the host system, wiring, piping, and other elements.
We no longer need to have an additional power supply or loop simulator on hand, whether it’s out in the field or back in our shop
Joel Holmes, principal engineer, Monsanto
Time spent during everyday field maintenance searching for a compatible power supply or confirming adequate loop resistance before connecting to a device would be removed also.
“The ability to power a hard loop off the Trex unit is huge,” said Joel Holmes, principal engineer at Monsanto.
“We no longer need to have an additional power supply or loop simulator on hand, whether it’s out in the field or back in our shop. It’s a huge advantage for the technician.”