The aim of the TIPCHECK (technical insulation performance check) programme, established by the European Industrial Insulation Foundation, is to provide industry with a standardised, high-quality thermal energy audit tool, focusing on the thermal performance of technical insulation systems.
Paroc, a manufacturer specialising in energy-efficient insulation solutions, has trained a number of TIPCHECK engineers in order to serve the industrial insulation sector and lead assessors with better energy saving advice.
TIPCHECKs quantify the amount of energy and money an industrial facility is losing with its current insulation system (including uninsulated parts). Payback on insulation investments can be clearly demonstrated, says Paroc, by industrial site temperature and heat flow measurements, calculations and thermal imaging.
The performance check is laid out in conformance with Article 8, Annex 6 of the Energy Efficiency Directive, and with EN 16247 and ISO 50001/50002, as a contributing industrial process energy survey – and supports the requirement for auditing every four years, working to reduce energy consumption to reach the -20% target in 2020.
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