Pumps failing through running dry or damage due to pumping corrosive liquids are not uncommon problems. However, Wanner International says that using Hydra-Cell seal-less diaphragm pumps can eliminate both these costly issues.
Pumps with dynamic seals rely on seepage of the pumped liquid for seal lubrication. Wanner suggests that, at best, dry running causes the seals to wear and could result in seizure and catastrophic pump failure. Seepage of corrosive and noxious liquids through seals is a further problem for conventional rotary pumps.
Hydra-Cell pumps have no dynamic seals and can run dry indefinitely without problem, says the company. Seal maintenance is eliminated and, being totally leak free, they are designed to provide 100% containment of all pumped liquids, removing any possibility of dangerous liquids or vapours leaking to atmosphere.
An extensive range of ‘liquid end’ materials, including Hastelloy, Duplex and Super Duplex steels and Kynar PvDF, ensures Hydra-Cell pumps can handle virtually any liquid, adds Wanner.
The seal-less design means they can pump liquids containing abrasive particles and even slurries.
The Hydra-Cell pump’s multi-diaphragm configuration generates virtually pulse-less flow, removing the need for pulsation dampeners in most applications.
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