With the Epsilon, NETZSCH has introduced a totally new solution for producing homogeneous dispersions in an inline process with reproducible quality, even for shear-sensitive products.
The dispersion process takes place in an atmospherically sealed chamber and is therefore dust and emission free.
Internally, the NETZSCH Epsilon has no narrow gaps or static components through which the product must be pumped. So, in contrast to classic rotor-stator-based inline dispersion systems, high shear stresses are avoided and shear-sensitive products can be dispersed gently.
With its new operating principle, the Epsilon inline disperser guarantees sustained reproducibility of product quality, says the company. The required energy input is low, reducing product heating to a minimum. The Epsilon is not sensitive to foreign particles (fibers, pieces of cutter blades, etc) and the product-wetted components are highly durable.
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