Lightweight, space-saving, quick installation and multi-functionality are becoming increasingly important for system components.
In conventional plant design, complex control of liquids and gases is generally carried out by means of numerous individual valves. But this takes up a lot of space and assembly is time-consuming because of the much higher number of individual parts.
The GEMÜ plastic multi-port valve block (M-Block) combines several valves and pipe sections in one compact unit. They can perform various functions for complex tasks in plant engineering while offering a host of benefits.
When comparing to conventional designs, the block solution undoubtly has a smaller “footprint” as it requires a smaller number of pipework/fittings and connection points.
This reduces not only the potential leakage points and deadleg, but also the operational safety risk. The installation process and time are reduced due to the simplicity of the integrated block.
All these benefits increase plant reliability whilst significantly contributing to cost optimisation.
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