Control & Instrumentation

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Fighting wars on factory settings

Critical industries’ emergence as a target for hostile states reflects the increasingly digital aspects of modern warfare. Strategic insights director at corporate finance advisers Heligan Group Will…

Industry Update

Join industry experts at the inaugural Lyophilisation, Liquid Product and Bioprocess Manufacturing Symposium

Join industry experts to learn about the latest technologies and best practices for scaling up and automating your biopharmaceutical manufacturing processes at Biopharma Group’s Lyophilisation, Liqui…

Editor's comment

Planning gains

History provides numerous instances of catastrophic events providing the catalyst for radical economic and societal changes. Like its predecessors from the Black Death onwards, the current pandemic’s…

Comment & Features

Fighting wars on factory settings

Critical industries’ emergence as a target for hostile states reflects the increasingly digital aspects of modern warfare. Strategic insights director at corporate finance advisers Heligan Group Will…


Case study: New cleanrooms prompt search for better monitoring system

During preparations for the construction of two new cleanroom facilities, NorthX Biologics, a leading Swedish biological drug manufacturer and process developer, reviewed its environmental monitoring…