The University of East Anglia (UEA) is no stranger to steam boilers from Fulton having been using the heat transfer specialist’s solutions for many years. But having replaced their ageing plant with new VSRT boilers, even they were surprised at just how efficient the installation would prove.
Two years after the VSRT installation was commissioned and handed over to the university’s estates team, a review of energy savings was commissioned to compare the old and new installations, with the results proving significant.
Commenting for UEA, Estates Project Lead Philip Page said: “The sustainability team compared the last 12 months usage of the three VSRTs to that of the three J Series boilers’ pre-Covid usage in 2019 and has reported a reduction in gas consumption of nearly 28% and over 57% for water.
“Even if you don’t to take into account the recent cost increases in gas, these savings are significant and really impressive.”
In addition to the gas and water savings, the sustainability report also identified an 85-tonne reduction in CO2 annually, savings that can be credited towards the university’s net zero goals. The university is also seeing an approximate 40% reduction in NOx emissions throughout the burner firing range.
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