#CHEMUK 2023: CIA innovation chief to outline impact of 4.0 on the industrial lab
17 Apr 2023

Chemical Industries Association (CIA) Head of Events and Innovation Mike Lancaster has been revealed as our guest speaker at the CHEMUK event sponsored by Process Engineering’s parent company next month.
This year’s event takes place at Birmingham NEC on Wednesday 10 May from 14.30-15.00 pm at Stage 5, on the first day of the two day CHEMUK 2023 show. It will be presented by Process Engineering’s sister publication Laboratory News.
Lancaster, whose talk will be introduced by Brian Attwood, joint Editor of Process Engineering and Laboratory News, will detail the impact that digitalisation and automation will have on the industrial laboratory.
Lancaster discusses the theme at length on page 14 of the current issue of Laboratory News, which can be viewed here.
“Industry 4.0 is already impacting many sectors and the chemicals and pharmaceuticals sector is no different,” said Attwood. “The question is how much will it impact the laboratory of the future.”
“As Mike will explain and has already addressed in our new issue, the answer is very much indeed. Technological change and IIoT is breaking down the physical separation of lab and factory floor and tomorrow’s lab will be a very different concept from today’s.
“The CIA is in a better position than most to view this trend as it impacts industry down the supply chain and as its head of innovation, Mike is uniquely placed to address the issue.”
To attend Mike Lancaster’s talk at CHEMUK 2023, click here to register for the event.