All Environment

Credit T. Frišcic

Reducing bulk solvents in the process industries

Added: 3 Dec 2012

Bulk solvents used in the process industries can pose a serious threat to human and environmental h…

Energy Bill still holds threats for UK chemicals manufacturers

Added: 3 Dec 2012

London – UK chemicals makers need more details of measures to protect energy-intensive industries f…


Tata saves £250k on fume-extraction energy costs

Added: 30 Nov 2012

Rotheram, UK – Tata Steel has cut annual energy costs by £250,000 following the installation of var…

Drax Power Plant 2

Business can't afford new green measures

Added: 28 Nov 2012

London – Many businesses will struggle to afford a three-fold increase in charges to pay for the go…

ACWA TATA Cumbria222

Energy Bill: Tata closures a 'weather' warning

Added: 28 Nov 2012

Tata Steel’s decision to axe 900 jobs in the UK is part of a plan to turn the company into an “all-…

Geotech Beijing2

Landfill gas analysers for China

Added: 23 Nov 2012

Beijing – The Liulitun landfill in Haidian District of Beijing has installed a UK-made Geotech fixe…


Carbon capture innovators to give UK the edge

Added: 22 Nov 2012

London – The UK government has announced 13 winning projects in a £20-million competition intended …

Monsal AD tech

Prince Charles in biogas-to-grid first

Added: 22 Nov 2012

Poundbury, UK – The Prince of Wales will today open the country’s first full-scale anaerobic digest…

Gold nanoparticles

Improved detection of hazardous chemicals

Added: 21 Nov 2012

Scientists at Imperial College London have developed a system to quickly detect trace amounts of ch…


Centre to help deal with nuclear waste

Added: 20 Nov 2012

A £1.2m centre to research the decontamination and safe storage of nuclear waste is being establish…


Choosing steels for the biofuels industry

Added: 20 Nov 2012

Stainless steel is a material of choice for many applications in bioethanol, biodiesel and biogas p…

CCS crop22

Concern over EU carbon capture fund

Added: 19 Nov 2012

London - Only one carbon capture & storage (CCS) project is likely receive EU funding under the fir…


Ohio researchers develop hybrid CO2 capture membrane

Added: 19 Nov 2012

Researchers at Ohio State University have developed a new hybrid membrane that combines the separat…

Tata Newport foundary

Energy minister puts the heat on

Added: 19 Nov 2012

London – Measures to reduce the UK heat-related energy requirements and the emissions generated wer…

t-mac lisa2

Energy metering in the process industries

Added: 19 Nov 2012

Currently, how well geared up are UK process companies to measure the amount of energy they are usi…

BIU energy2

Energy: Headline prices only part of the story

Added: 19 Nov 2012

Chris Best, joint managing director at energyTEAM, reveals management ‘tricks’ that could save you …

Saint-Gobain furnace2

Cutting through the green tape

Added: 19 Nov 2012

Around 26% of the power Saint-Gobain used in the UK came from renewable sources last year - a figur…

Energy savings: Future trends in pumps

Added: 19 Nov 2012

Pumps are generally considered to consume around 25 % of the electricity which is produced worldwid…

ACWA Thames Water WTW

EU pilots Environmental Technology Verification programme

Added: 19 Nov 2012

Article by CSA-Sira on the launch of the Environmental Technology Verification in the EU:

Europe and…

MCerts for Europe

Added: 19 Nov 2012

Andrew Chappell of the Environment Agency on the emergence of a Europe-wide certification for emiss…