All Oil & Gas

BP Gulf oil spill fund dries up

BP Gulf oil spill fund dries up

Added: 30 Jul 2013

BP today announced it has just $300 million remaining in its $20 billion Gulf of Mexico compensatio…

Shale gas

Police arrest protesters at Cuadrilla site

Added: 26 Jul 2013

Oil test well protest highlights challenges facing UK shale developers and their suppliers.

Shell prelude FLNG3

Oil majors partner IChemE on safety

Added: 25 Jul 2013

Leading oil firms including Shell and ExxonMobil have signed up to become the first industry partne…

Argent Energy Biodiesel Plant

Biodiesel firm sold to conglomerate

Added: 24 Jul 2013

Scottish biodiesel producer Argent Energy was yesterday sold to a UK subsidiary of the global group…

Shale fracking

Lords question economics of shale

Added: 23 Jul 2013

The House of Lords has issued a call for evidence on the economic impact of shale gas development i…

Cuadrilla shale site

Let technology rule shale safety debate

Added: 19 Jul 2013

My first week as editor of Process Engineering has been dominated by events surrounding the UK’s pr…

George Osborne

UK offers 30% tax rate for shale gas

Added: 19 Jul 2013

Chancellor George Osborne announces “most generous tax regime in the world” for Shale developers.

Jim Marshall - Water UK

Water firms seek urgent shale gas talks

Added: 18 Jul 2013

Water companies in the UK yesterday called for urgent talks with shale gas developers to head off p…

Shale gas

Cuadrilla expands UK shale gas exploration

Added: 10 Jul 2013

Cuadrilla is set to increase its exploration programme for shale gas in northeast England.

Shale fracking

Ofgem issues a heated warning

Added: 9 Jul 2013

With concerns over the UK’s energy supplies mounting,  process industries will need to consider the…

Shale gas fracking

Does hydrofracking contaminate water?

Added: 1 Jul 2013

A study led by experts at Duke University has found that those living near shale gas wells are at r…

WELTEC biomethane plant

Biomethane plant fires up

Added: 25 Jun 2013

Built in the shadow of the old Arneburg nuclear power plant, the refinery has the capacity to suppl…


South-west to follow suit with bio-LNG

Added: 13 Jun 2013

UK bio-fuel supplier, Gasrec, has announced it will open a renewable energy refuelling station at A…

U.S. basins

EIA increases estimates on UK shale gas reserves

Added: 12 Jun 2013

US agency claims UK has enough shale gas to meet its own domestic gas consumption demands for nearl…

BP rig oil2

Sir Ian Wood to carry out review of oil & gas sector

Added: 11 Jun 2013

DECC has announced a review of the oil & gas industry- the first of its kind for two decades.

CCS crop22

£3.25m funding aims to speed up CCS development

Added: 10 Jun 2013

EPSRC-funded research will look into how carbon dioxide can be stored underground.

Food Greencore

Tiny hot bubbles improve food and fuel processing

Added: 10 Jun 2013

Sheffield University researchers believe they have found a more efficient way to dry products for f…

Scientists produce H2 for fuel cells using an inexpensive catalyst under real-world conditions

Fuelling the future with hydrogen

Added: 7 Jun 2013

A hydrogen powered internal combustion engine is designed to reduce CO2 emissions to near zero.

GE Power and Water

GE collaborates for deep-water exploration

Added: 7 Jun 2013

GE Oil & Gas have struck a deal to supply subsea wellheads for hydrocarbon drilling in the Gulf of …

Carbon sponge

Enzyme-catalysed process captures CO2

Added: 5 Jun 2013

Carbon capture expert Akermin demonstrates a technique that has an emissions capture rate close to …