Channel mapping
1 Apr 2004
A new fibre optic self-healing ring multiplexer from TC Communications targets SCADA, traffic control, process control, power and gas and security networks.
It uses Channel Mapping to allow users to configure specific channels from the Master to designate Slave units on a fibre ring. Designated channels could include both a dedicated virtual point-to-point channel and a broadcast poll-response channel on each Slave.
The Model TC2850 12-Channel Multi-Drop Multiplexer offers a self-healing ring scheme and is available with dual masters. Fault conditions are detected both Tx and Rx, upstream and downstream of each unit, and automatically re-routed to maintain Ring integrity. Dry contact alarms can be connected to RTUs/PLCs to help pinpoint the location of a fault.
It is transparent to all protocols, supports data rates up to 120 Kbps and is compatible with RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 (2- or 4-wire) interfaces over single mode or multimode fibre.
Options include hardened temperature versions (-20 degrees C to 70 degrees C and -40 degrees C to 80 degrees C) for extreme environments and a conformal coating to prevent corrosion.