Website gives direct access to information about recording microbalances
19 Jan 2007

CI Electronics is launching a website that takes visitors straight to information about its range of recording microbalances for special applications. This site - at - makes it quicker and easier for people to find what they need to know about balance heads, controllers, glassware, furnaces, software and accessories, so they can assemble a comprehensive system to meet their exact requirements, rather than having to compromise by purchasing a system with a fixed specification.
Applications range from thermal analysis, decomposition and magnetic susceptibility, to corrosion studies, oxidation studies and absorption of gases. A typical system consists of a balance head, control unit, accessory pack (rods, pans, pan holders and calibration weights, for example), sample flask, universal attachment, furnace and controller, and LabWeigh software. Details about all of these can be quickly accessed via the microbalance website.
In addition, there are links to Applications Papers that describe how microbalances have been used for a variety of different experiments.
For visitors whose language is not English, there is a menu from which they can select to view the website in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese or Spanish. There is also a page to help visitors find a local representative.
Full contact details are provided for CI Electronics and an online form enables visitors to make enquiries or request a brochure.
Visit the CI Electronics Recording Microbalances website at