Hosokawa Alpine`s New Pharma Design Of Hammer Mill
12 Feb 2007

To meet current legislation’s the well known Alpine Omniplex 20/10HA is now available in a cGMP modular pharmaceutical design that can readily be integrated into an isolator. It is suitable for coarse comminution of pharmaceuticals and chemicals by disintegration of agglomerates and lumps producing a uniform product below 500 microns with minimum fines.
The unit has a clear division between product contact zone, bearing unit and drive and is easy to dismantle, allowing quick and effective cleaning of all product contact components. These can then be autoclaved separately if required.
Cleaning of the mill housing can also be achieved with the beater unit removed and by using a special cover to protect the bearing system thus enabling the unit to be flushed through with water or other cleaning solutions.
The pharma 20/10Ha is supplied ready to go as a completely integrated system with feed hopper and rotary feeder, product collection bin, air filter and all controls, a frequency converter on the motor being used to readily adjust the milling rotor speed which determines the final product size.
A low motor power of 2.2KW ensures little temperature rise and the compact system can readily be fitted inside an isolator to ensure complete operator protection. For safe disagglomeration of active materials the Hosokawa Alpine 20/10 HA pharma version is ideal.
For further information/reader enquiries, please contact:
Hosokawa Micron Ltd
Rivington Road
Whitehouse Industrial Estate
WA7 3DS.
Tel: (01928) 755100
Fax: (01928) 714325