At-Line Analysis In The Plating Industry For Etching & Degreasing Baths
13 Feb 2007

The Process Lab is a new AT LINE Analyser to follow on in the success of the Titrando range of Laboratory Titrators. The system uses well established hardware and software, including the Titrando Titrator and Tiamo Software.
The advantages to the process industry, are the Industrial PC and I/O controller, for sending of information to Process Control Systems.
The system will automatically analyse plating baths eg. Copper, Nickel and Zinc for content and associated other baths used for cleaning and degreasing.
Typical analysis for these are Cu, Ni, Zn, Cr and Pb. As well as Total Acidity and Alkalinity. All of this analysis is carried out in the Process Lab, without operator intervention, and results are relayed to the process controller so remedial action for bath quality is regulated automatically.
With values for bath top up being sent to the operator or fully automatically via a computerised dosing system.
For further information please contact:
Metrohm UK Ltd
Tel 01280824824
Fax 01280824800