Hygienic stainless steel component fabrication to customer specification
14 Feb 2007

Axium Process, specialist stainless steel fabricators and manufacturers of a range of filters and sample valves for the pharmaceutical, food and beverage industries, now stocks a comprehensive range of hygienic stainless steel process equipment including tank manways, valves, sprayballs, sightglasses, flanges, tube and plain ended fittings, as well as complete unions in RJT,
Components can be fabricated to customer specification and where traceability is paramount, the company offers dye penetrant, ferroxyl, citric or nitric acid passivation, pressure testing to 80 bar, Ra measurement, material and conformity certificates to BS EN 10204.
Axium Process’ capabilities include in-house machining, fabrication and polishing, orbital and manual welding with surface finishes measured and certificated to 0.10 µm Ra. Polishers are trained to provide the level of finish required by the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and options include bead blasting, mirror and electropolishing.
To complement Axium’s standard range of stainless steel fittings and process components, the company also offers a range of ancillary process equipment including jacketed pipework assemblies which is continuously evolving in line with customer demand.
For further information please contact:
Gale Rudd
Axium Process Ltd
Hendy Industrial Estate
Tel: +44 (0) 1792 883 882
Fax: +44 (0) 1792 886 049
Email: info@axiumprocess.com
Web: www.axiumprocess.com