Krohne's New Waterflux Overcomes Traditional Bulk Water Measurement Problems
21 Feb 2007

Image above: KROHNE's WATERFLUX bulk water meter overcomes the traditional problems encountered when measuring water flow.
KROHNE has launched WATERFLUX, a new bulk water meter that overcomes the traditional problems encountered when measuring water flow. The award winning instrument is self-powered, can reduce maintenance costs and be read remotely via the internet or by mobile phone.
Mechanical meters have been the standard method of measuring bulk water flow in drinking water networks, well connecting chambers and sprinkler irrigation systems for over 100 years. However, the internal mechanism inside these meters restricts water flow and introduces a pressure drop across the meter. The moving parts also wear over time and this affects the long term measurement stability and reliability of these meters.
KROHNE's WATERFLUX electromagnetic water meter overcomes these problems. It has no internal moving parts and therefore offers much improved long-term measurement accuracy and reliability. It also does not impede the flow of water.
The WATERFLUX recently won the International Aquatech Innovation Award, which is presented for the most innovative product or service on display at the Aquatech 2006 exhibition in
The instrument is completely self-contained and does not need an external power supply. Its integral battery powers the unit for up to 10 years.
Operating costs can also be reduced by using the WATERFLUX. It eliminates the need for in-line filters, rectifiers and regular cleaning and maintenance procedures that are required by mechanical meters.
The WATERFLUX will also operate accurately and reliably in what have traditionally been problematic applications, such as those where there are particles suspended in the water or where there is bi-directional water flow. It can be installed on pipe sizes ranging from DN50 - DN300.
The instrument is GSM (global system for mobile communications) enabled, which means that companies can eliminate the time needed to visit sites to take and record meter measurements.
Data from the watermeter can be transmitted via SMS or GPRS. The data logger within WATERFLUX records all flow data, including peak values and low flow rates during night time operation, all of which can be accessed at any time over the internet or by mobile phone.
The WATERFLUX can be supplied with the sensor and converter in a single unit or separately. This is particularly useful with applications where flow measurement needs to be taken underground or underwater. Both options can be supplied to comply with IP67 or IP68.
The WATERFLUX carries out continuous self-diagnostics in accordance with standards such as OIML R 49, EN 14154, ISO 4064 and MI-001. This automatically monitors and reports problems which may occur with the electronics or sensor.
The flange-to-flange dimensions of the WATERFLUX conform to ISO 13359. The wetted parts liner is made of KTW-compliant PPE. The accuracy of the instrument conforms to ISO / EN and MI-001 standards.
Teresa Kennedy
Tel: 01933 408500
Fax: 01933 408501