Fluke’s free 2007 Test Tools Catalogue breaks the 100-page barrier
5 Mar 2007

Fluke, the world leader in compact professional test tools, is continuing its march forward into more applications fields – and this is reflected in the continued growth of its annual Test Tools Catalogue. Now exceeding 100 pages, this free, full-colour publication contains detailed product-related specifications and comparisons to make choosing the best instrument for a particular job easy. It is also packed with background information about important functions and features.
There are over 20 new products in the ‘Fluke 2007 Test Tools Catalogue’. Three particular application areas that stand out in the array of new products featured in the catalogue are thermal imaging, power quality and air quality measurement and analysis. Other product groups featured include DMMs, field calibrators, ATEX-certified test tools, ScopeMeters, digital thermometers and a wide range of electrical testers.
A copy can be requested via the Fluke Web site at www.fluke.co.uk, via email to industrial@uk.fluke.nl or telephone on 020 7942 0700.