ADI 2018 Process Ion Analyzer for Sulphide
14 Mar 2007

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The Dynamic Standard Addition technique guarantees the widest working range and highest accuracy possible while at the same time validating each and every result. The Sulphide electrode has a working range of 0.003 – 32,100 mg/l makin it suitablwe for a wide range of applications. The ADI 2018 Process Ion Analyzer operates across approximately two and a half decades of the working range.
All ADI 2018 Process Ion Analyzers feature automatic calibration and each application can be tailored for individual requirements using the unique wet-part module assembly technique. The unique method of calibrating each individual slope of the electrode ensures no loss of accuracy at any part of the calibrated range.
The ADI 2018 Process Ion Analyzer is built to withstand even the most arduous environment with an IP65 cabinet and optional stainless steel case for hygiene areas. Communication is comprehensive including sample detectors, reagent level detectors and automatic validation of unusual results.
For further information please contact
Metrohm UK Ltd
Tel 01280824824
Fax 0`1280824800