Fast-acting temperature sensor
30 Mar 2007

Reaction times as quick as one second are characteristic of the new TA3 range of temperature sensors from sensor innovator ifm electronic.
Ideal for use in oil or hydraulic lines on stationary applications but also in mobile vehicles and in small pipes where space is limited, the TA3 utilises high-precision class A Pt elements for temperatures ranges between 0...140°C or -10...150°C. The excellent response time of the sensors is only 1 s for T05 and 3 s for T09.
Options for connection with the TA3 are a standard 4-20 mA signal proportional to the temperature, or alternatively an integrated connection to AS-interface via a built-in chip, making connection even simpler and reducing wiring.
The integrated G1/4 thread ensures easy mounting without further adaptation. The completely sealed and welded housing ensures not only protection rating IP 69 K but also high mechanical stability.
ifm electronic specialises in the application of advanced electronic technology to produce innovative and effective solutions for industrial control applications. Products include flow sensors; pressure transmitters and switches; temperature switches and transmitters; capacitive, inductive and photoelectric proximity sensors; and a full range of AS-i I/O modules and masters.
ifm is committed to working closely with its customers to develop products which precisely match their needs, and the company provides expert, readily accessible technical support to help users maximise the benefits they gain from ifm products.
For further information, contact:
Mel Lewis
ifm electronic Ltd
Efector House
Fax: 020 8213-2228
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