Aqua Totally Into Energy Saving!
18 Apr 2007

For Aqua Cooling Solutions, the emphasis at Total Processing & Packaging 2007 will be firmly on energy efficiency and its associated benefits, both from a financial and environmental point of view.
Visitors will have the chance to find out more about the “free cooling” concept and view their range of packaged chillers with internally mounted free cooling coils. Aqua will also be demonstrating how existing units can be upgraded to free cooling status with the simple addition of a bolt on air blast cooler. In addition, there will be information on heat reclaim – either partial or total – and other energy saving initiatives.
In an age where companies are increasingly aware of energy costs and their corporate fingerprint on the planet, Aqua Cooling have made a real commitment to producing products that save clients money and safeguard the environment. Units are listed on the Government’s Energy Technology List and clients have benefited financially from the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme and Aqua’s association with the Carbon Trust.
Aqua’s newly launched TWA VV/Y/A air cooled water chillers are certified by Eurovent as Class A High Efficiency. These units have EER figures in excess of 3.1, along with high ESEER and IPLV values.
The units are fitted with highly efficient twin screw compressors and can be used in conjunction with Aqua’s range of bolt on free coolers to maximise energy savings and further reduce payback periods for clients.
“The latest additions to our TWA range really confirm our commitment to providing environmentally sound, cost effective solutions for the process and packaging market place” explains Aqua Director
Aqua Cooling Solutions are exhibiting on stand 4001 in Hall 4. Total Process & Packaging 2007 is on at the NEC,
Aqua Cooling Solutions Ltd
Link House
Tower Industrial Estate
Tower Lane
Tel: 023 8064 1800