Jupiter® 200 Magnetostrictive accuracy to the drop!
4 May 2007

The new Jupiter® 200 from Magnetrol is the safest magnetostrictive liquid level transmitter on the market today. With a SFF of > 90%, the Jupiter is suitable for SIL 2 instrumented loops as a 1oo1 device and exceeds the rating of any other equivalent device. Jupiter is a highly accurate (0,4mm) transmitter with repeatable measurement (0,13mm) over a measuring range of 5,7m.
The Jupiter is a loop-powered level transmitter and simultaneously measures top and liquid-liquid interface levels. The end user can easily select which primary variable should control the loop signal via the Eclipse® look alike menu. The use of a Moore HIM® loop card enables both top and liquid-liquid interface levels to be available as an analog output.
The Jupiter 200 series direct insertion model can be mounted directly on the vessel or inside a stillwell, bridle or bypass cage. The direct insertion model is suitable for clean liquids only and handles process temperatures up to +260°C.
The external mount version of the Jupiter 200 clamps on Magnetrol’s Atlas™ magnetic level indicator. As an external mount model, the Jupiter handles any type of liquid including slurries and process temperatures up to +455°C.
The Jupiter 200 series is designed for pressure ranges from full vacuum up to 26.2 bar @ +40°C (direct insertion models). External mount models are not affected by any process condition (viscosity, density, temperature, pressure...) but rely on the float limits of the MLI on which the unit is mounted.
The Jupiter 200 performs a continuous diagnosis on the float integrity and electronic circuitry. It also guards the ambient temperature of the electronics and records any diagnostic message. The Jupiter 200 is compatible with HART®/AMS®, PACTware™ and Foundation Fieldbus™ communication protocols.
Further details and product information is available from:
Paul Sayers
Magnetrol International
Jubilee Road,
Burgess Hill,
Phone: 01444.871313
Fax: 01444.871317
E-Mail: paul.sayers@magnetrol.co.uk
web site : www.magnetrol.com,
web site :www.jupiter.magnetrol.com